Berita industri

Prospek minyak bawang putih


Cina itu pentingBawang putih producer and exporter in the world, but there are relatively few deep-processing of Bawang putih, mainly exporting primary products and raw materials. In order to enhance international competitiveness, Bawang putihdiproses lebih lanjut, terutama yang berkualitas tinggiBawang putih oil. Sangat diperlukan agar produk berkembang ke arah nilai tambah yang tinggi. Ini membutuhkan perbaikan berkelanjutan dari proses ekstraksiBawang putih oil. Metode ekstraksi distilasi uap tradisional dan metode ekstraksi pelarut organik memiliki waktu ekstraksi yang lama, dan laju ekstraksi sebesarBawang putih oil is relatively low. Supercritical CO2 extraction technology has the advantages of short production cycle, high extraction efficiency, safety and reliability, among which pilot and industrial applications are already in progress. It is believed that with the further deepening of the study of combining supercritical extraction technology with industrialization, the application of this technology in the further processing of Bawang putih will develop rapidly. The new ultrasonic and microwave-assisted extraction technology, because it has the advantages of improving the mass transfer rate and shortening the extraction time, has gradually shown advantages in the extraction of natural products. However, such methods are still mainly in the laboratory research stage, and their large-scale application in industrial production needs further research. At the same time, in the extraction process of Bawang putih oil, teknologi penghilang bau dan teknologi stabilisasi allicin harus terus ditingkatkan dan disempurnakan untuk memastikan bahwa ekstrakBawang putih oilmemiliki kualitas yang baik dan aktivitas yang baik. Pada saat yang sama, kita harus meningkatkan penelitian dan pengembanganBawang putih oil deep-processed products, and use good products to help raise people's awareness of Bawang putih oil and promote the development of this field.

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